Wholesale for Designers & Florists

We provide seasonal, locally grown flowers and foliage to local florists & designers.

Availability is expected from April-October.

how it works

Register with us by filling out the form below. Wholesale flowers are only available to florists and designers with a valid resale tax id.

You will be added to the availability email list. Emails will be sent out on Saturday for the following week. Please respond to the email with the flowers you would like to purchase & the day you want them. You will receive a confirmation email after the order is received. Supply is limited and flowers may sell out, get your order in asap.

Flowers will be harvested & conditioned the day before your scheduled pickup or delivery.

Minimum $50 purchase per order.


Pickup is at 8888 Caratoke Hwy, Point Harbor. Free pickup during business hours. After hours pickup can be arranged for a $10 fee.


$20 delivery from Point Harbor to Grandy & Kitty Hawk to Nags Head. Free delivery for orders $300+

Wholesale Form